the Team

As a registered Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), AHERI is headed by a Board of Directors with an Executive Director as its head of operations and Secretary. The Board of Directors consists of the following five directors:

Board of Directors

Mr. Robert Owino

Executive Director (CEO)

Mr. Barrack Otieno


Dr. Mary Aswan


Ms.Victoria Oduor


Dr. John Obero Ogone


The Board of Directors is responsible for

The Board of Directors is assisted by the Advisory Board who is responsible for providing guidance, expertise, experience, and support to AHERI in achieving its strategic objectives. AHERI’s Advisory Board consists of the following skilled, knowledgeable and experienced individuals.

Advisory Board

Prof. Chacha Nyaigoti


Dr. Kevit Desai

Dr. Hellen Inyega

Dr. Julius Juan

Rev. Truphie Kwaka

The Advisory Board is responsible for-

Answerable to the Board of Directors is the Administrative Team (Departments) charged with the day-to-day operations of AHERI and comprising the Administrator and Human Resources Officer (Principal Assistant to the CEO and Head of programs), Accountant, Procurement Officer, Head of Security, Head of ICT, Secretaries, Receptionists etc.